
Scientific Activity

On 27 June 2017, doctor’s thesis “Mortgage Institution and Possibilities of Improvement Thereof in the Latvian Law” has been successfully presented resulting in award of the doctor’s degree in the civil law subsection of the legal science.

Participation in 18 conferences delivering research presentations, of which the key ones have been published in the following scientific publications:

Article “Fictitious Employment Contracts Issue in Loan Recovery Processes in Latvia” is accepted for publication in the collected articles of the 6th International interdisciplinary scientific conference “Society. Health. Welfare 2016” organized by the Riga Stradiņš University.

Article “Real Encumbrance Institution in Civil Law of the Republic of Latvia” published in the collected articles of the 3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Arts SGEM 2016” (ISBN 978-619-7105-73-5, ISSN 2367-5659), 2016.

Article “Fictitious Lease Agreements Issue in Loan Recovery Processes in Latvia” published in the collected articles of the 3rd International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Sciences & Arts SGEM 2016 (ISBN 978-619-7105-73-5, ISSN 2367-5659), 2016.

Article “Exceptions to the Principle of Accessority of the Surety” (Galvojuma akcesoritātes principa izņēmumi) published in the collected articles of IV international and applied conference “Transformation process in the law, regional economy and economic policy: current issues of economic and political, and legal relations” (ISBN 978-9984-47-108-2), 2016.

Article “Banking Loan Recovery Issues in Latvia” is published in the collection of scientific articles of conference “Second European Academic Research Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance and Banking” (ISBN: 978-1-63415-477-2), 2015.

Article “Exceptions to the Principle of Accessority of the Mortgage” (Hipotēkas akcesoritātes principa izņēmumi) published in the collected articles of the international scientific forum, XVI International Scientific Conference at the Business Graduate School “Turība” – “Wise, sustainable and engaging Europe: challenge for development” (ISSN 1691-6069), 2015.

Article “Conformity of Amendments to Article 147 of the Insolvency Act to Article 105 of the Constitution of the Republic of Latvia” (Maksātnespējas likuma 147. panta grozījumu atbilstība LR Satversmes 105. pantam) published in the collected articles of III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Transformation Process in the Law, Regional Economy and Economic Policy: Current Issues of Economic and Political, and Legal Relations” organized by the Baltic International Academy (ISBN 978-9984-47-099-3), 2015.

Article “Legal Planning Documents concerning the Mortgage Institution” (Tiesiskās plānošanas dokumenti saistībā ar hipotēkas institūtu) published in the collected articles of the 56th international scientific conference of the University of Daugavpils (ISBN 978-9984-14-702-4), 2014.

Article “Non-Recourse Mortgage Loans in USA” (Bez regresa hipotekārie kredīti ASV) in the collected articles of IV international scientific and applied conference of young researchers and students “Challenges and Time of Opportunities: Issues, Solutions, and Prospects” organized by the Baltic International Academy (ISBN code 978-9984-47-091-7), 2014.

Academic Activity

Lecturing of study courses “Insolvency Law”, “Civil Procedure”, “Finance and Tax Law”, “Property Law”, and “EU Law on Banking” at the Faculty of Law of the Riga Stradiņš University since 2015 until 2017.

Lecturing of study course “Law of Obligations” to Master’s students of the Faculty of Business, Management and Economics of the University of Latvia since 2012 until 2014.